Hannah Mwesigwa

Hannah Mwesigwa is our advisor on Migrant workers and Refugees at VFL. She is currently the Executive Director of Allied Workers’ Association (AWAL), a civil society that works towards improving livelihoods of workers and refugees in Uganda.
Hannah has previously worked with Wagagai Ltd as a Human Resource Officer. She has further worked as a research officer with Uganda Worker’s Education Association specializing on the rights of women workers in the cut flower Industry. She also brings on board experiences from the Labour movement where she worked as a Branch Secretary for Uganda Horticulture, Industrial, Service Providers and Allied Workers’ Union. She has further consulted with Platform for Vendors in Uganda (PLAVU) on several aspects of informal economy workers.
Hannah is very passionate about the rights of migrant workers and refugees and is currently undertaking a lot of research and activities in this area with her Organization AWAL.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in Public administration and Management from Nkumba University, Uganda.