About us

Who we are

Voices for Labour (VFL) is a civil society organization founded in April 2020 by a group of passionate Labour activists and Lawyers. The organization was formally incorporated in Uganda as a company limited by guarantee and having no share capital (Not for profit)

The formation of VFL was motivated by the massive lay-offs of workers during covid-19 without due regard to the existing Labour Laws, unlawful salary deductions, unfair dismissals, terminations, increasing growth of informal employment in the formal sector, the unregulated new forms of work on the Labour market for instance the digital platforms, temporary agency work/ Labour brokerage, outsourcing, sub- contracting, crowd work and homework among others.

This concern is in addition to the precarity and decent work deficits that exist in Uganda’s informal economy with an existing legal and policy framework that is blind to the rights and needs of informal economy workers.

The existing labour laws are still inadequate in their protections and application considering the new trends and challenges on the Labour market.

The workplace has drastically changed from a place where you find a homogeneous workforce under the control of a single employing entity.

It is now characterized with a heteregenous workforce with multiple employing entities in one workplace (Temporary agency work, outsourcing, sub-contracting). Such are some of the examples of new forms of work which are not regulated. Uganda’s current labour laws were principally intended to regulate a personal and bilateral employment relationship.

However, with such changes in the workplace and work organization, triangular employment relationships are on the rise and yet unregulated by law thus making workers more vulnerable
Globalisation coupled with the neo-liberal economic policies has also increased inequalities in employment.

Women and the youth have been pushed to the periphery in terms of access to employment, decent jobs, job security and income.

In light of the above, that VFL was birthed to become a vocal defender of workers against such injustices and precarity.

VFL’s main objective is to defend and promote the rights and interests of workers both in the formal and informal sector, through accessible justice, strategic litigation, research, advocacy, campaigns, education and training.

Our mission & vision

Our Mission
VFL’s mission is to defend and promote the social, economic, and Political rights of workers through accessible justice, strategic litigation, research, advocacy, campaigns, education and training among other methods.
Our Vision
VFL’s vision is a society where workers are valued, recognized, protected and respected.

Our values

VFL commits to serve efficiently and effectively as a means of achieving its objectives and as such regular self-assessment, monitoring and evaluation remains a guiding tool.
Team work
At VFL, we believe that working in isolation is self-defeating and counterproductive. As such, while we value individual knowledge, we commit to building synergies, to enable our beneficiaries and stakeholders be part of our vision, mission, growth and ownership for sustainability.
Committed to the vulnerable groups
It is our passion to serve the voiceless and those in dire need of our assistance. We are committed to being their mouthpiece and transformation of their well-being.
Stewardship and Integrity
At VFL we believe that all organization resources are a gift to achieve work progress and as such we proclaim pro-activeness in usage, while keeping sustainability in mind, with openness and transparency in our reporting.
At VFL, we adhere to the highest professional standards in the management of our programmes
Transparency and Accountability
VFL operations shall continuously be guided by the value of openness. The information about our operations shall be availed for scrutiny by stakeholders as the guiding rules so provide.

What we have achieved

We strive to see that we achieve as much as we can in our struggle to help workers, women and children find justice

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Workers sensitized
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Children Helped
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Worker Seminars
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