Our Objectives
The purpose of VFL is to help create lasting solutions to labour rights. We are part of a global movement for change, one that empowers people to create a future that is secure, just, and free from injustice.
To promote accessible justice to indigent and marginalized workers through legal aid and representation, strategic litigation and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.
⦁ To defend and promote the rights of platform and informal economy workers and seek for their recognition and protection in the law.
To actualize the right to work for migrant workers and refugees in Uganda .
To confront global capital through strategies that promote decent work in the global supply chains.
To offer legal advice, Consultancy and legal representation to Labour Unions and their members.
To lobby and advocate for fair trade and investment regimes that value and respect workers’ rights.
To work with Federations of Labour Unions in building the capacity of Labour Unions in Uganda and beyond to effectively organize, recruit and sustain membership through Training and continuous worker`s education programs
To carry out periodic analysis of National Labour Laws and Policies to ensure compliance with the Constitution of Uganda, International Human Rights Instruments as well as the ILO Core Labour Standards.
To undertake research in areas of Labour, Employment, Socio- economic justice and all emerging issues affecting Workers and write Position and working papers to influence Policy and legal reforms.
To mobilize and encourage workers to promote good environmental practices at their places of work and the communities in which they live.